Thursday, February 22, 2007

How could I forgot??!!

Currently listening to: Red jumpsuit apparatus

I can't believe that I forgot about mentioning the picnic. Well, it was really fun. Cold, but fun. The food was awesome and filling. So much that we ate it for the Superbowl afterwards!!! haha.

Started things off with some Musical Chairs. First for the younger ones, then the sisters, and then.....the Brothers....Wow. That was fun. Well all of it was fun. Seeing the "Well Mannered" sisters ruthlessly take a seat away from "friends" was funny in itself. On the other hand, the brothers breaking SEVEN (that's 7) of the BOOK STUDY chairs was another thing. I wonder if anyone left any donations for more chairs??...

Then there was the balloon popping thing. That was cool. I like how Danny made everyone do a funny dance or juke or whatever and not just run across and try and get the balloons popped fast.

After that was the Not so Newlywed game. We've got it all on video but I dunno how we can put it up. Maybe on youtube or something cause it's pretty long. One thing that stuck out to me though is one of the Howards responses.

Question:"What is your wife's favorite dish?"

Brother Howard:".....ME!"

J4 as he yells in the mic:"I don't want to hear that!!!!"

Hahaha yeah it was good. good times. Kudos to everyone that made it out there and look forward to doing it again. I don't have many pics from the picnic but I do have some from when we were planning it out and from when Chelsea put that cupcake in Ariels face. Check em out.

I don't know what's funnier, that thing on my head or the statement on Benny's shirt.

Angelina taking pics with Danny's Camera

I just wish I could have taken this pic right after Chelsea put that cupcake in her face and it was full of icing!

The Bonfire on the beach was tons of fun too. It's just that it was flipping freezing!!!!! Hadji was a pretty big hit there. I don't think that I held him at all that night, you would have thought that he was a real baby that everyone wanted to see. I think more people knew what my dogs name was than my own! Haha. Joel was there playing guitar and people were singing so it was like there was atmosphere the whole time. Just couldn't tell who I was talking to sometimes cause it was dark.

Some funny things that happened though.
Let's see, first Cole takes off is sweater and shirt ( wow, what a surprise!) and is now half naked in the cold at a windy beach. Then he goes and runs off to where Danny is into the distance. To which before he realizes it, is now ankle deep in the water.....with his shoes on!!! Hahahaha

Next, Katie comes and as we tell her what just happened, she takes his clothes and hides it from him. Hides it by holding it in her jacket and pretending that it's Hadji inside. Then it was just one funny thing after another.

So Cole get back to the group, soaking shoes and all, and starts trying to find his shirt and sweater. Of course he tries to blame Katie, but still somehow can't seem to prove that she did it. Then, minutes later, he sees his white sweater sticking out of her jacket, at which point (or so we thought) he finally figured out that she had it.

Her response? "No it's the dog. It's just Hadji in here....."Then she just runs off into the distance with the supposed "Dog" in her bossom...

Still not knowing what's going on Cole is just standing there in the cold until we finally tell him that she's got his clothes and needs to go and get it!

With my giant spotlight we watch them chase after each other and see the craziest crash when Katie tries to Super Mario Jump down one of the sand dunes and tumbles down dropping all of Coles clothes and loses her ring. Hahahha Too funny.

Didn't take many pics, but of the few that I have, I believe that this one sticks out the most as pretty funny....

Yes that is Chelsea H standing up....However that hand you see is TONY'S!!! What exactly are you reaching for!!!???? Hahaha

Here's the rest of us just chilling.

Tony and I.

Ariel and Adam in the background.

Besides that been skating a lot too. Between that, service, and sleeping I'm losing fat!!! haha I dunno for sure, but I seem to be able to eat whatever and can cinch up my pants even tighter stil....Hmmm go figure.

At Tony's

Haha I don't know why my mouth does that....

I also found this funny pic inside the Parking garage elevator when going to see the Bodies exhibit at the Science center. See if you can notice what's so odd about it...

That bird looks pretty happy, possibly cause it's "relieved". That kid looks like it's getting eaten too.

Also discovered that night a cold hard truth....Tony beats Gianna...I'd have had it on video to prove it but she was too scared to say on film. When asked why her response was:"If other people see this, he'll get mad and beat me."

Hahaha Too funny. Welps, that's all that I can remember for now. Hopefully I can get a new skateboard soon. I'm just gonna have to go big when I do get it. And Chelsea and Ariel have to make use of that waiver that Carmen got notarized and skate at the park too!! Aight, check ya outs l8rs.


Check out the new board!!!


Blogger Am I Right? said...

to many cool things have been happening lately! the picnic was awesome especially when jame's dad said some explicit stuff.jk. why did u put the pic up of me and cheese-face? come on! and just so everyone knows, i was reaching for the blanket. dont believe what jimmy says. but anywayz, i ran out of stuff to stay.

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I got a new board!!! I'm gonna post up the pics with this blog. Maybe you ran out of things to say cause you can't figure out what lie will fit the story hmm....??? Haha Peace


6:08 PM  
Blogger Am I Right? said...

sooooooo duuuumb..
i hope u break your board soon!lol
just kidding, i like your board, thanks for letting me pick it too.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Arielle said...

It's probably a good thing that you didn't mention the whole "Simon Says" thing, becuase that was a complete disaster, but i think I'm the only one who remebered it...until now. Anyways, I wish I could've been there for the bonfire on the beach, it sounded like it was fun.

3:05 AM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Hahahah I knew I was missing something!!! It wasn't a disaster....It was an artful masterpiece. Kind of like a...uh...a Picaso! Can't wait til you get back!!

7:51 AM  
Blogger Am I Right? said...

why were u even aiming at chelsea's butt in the first place?!

8:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well yes there has been a lot of fun stuff going on & its been pretty well covered.even my cupcake face which i dont appreciate very much b/c i look deformed in that dont worry,maybe one day those waivers will be used once we LEARN how to the way,theres no need to fight about what tony was grabbing b/c the pic says all.haha.yeah so thats about it.see you all sunday:)

9:59 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Like Ariel said, I was catching you in the act!!! I would have gotten more of you in the shot but I was right next to you and couldn't believe the horrific event I was witnessing. I therefore quickly took the pic with the camera I had in hand and displayed the evidence for all to decipher for themselves what you were doing....I mean come on man, cheese your seester! And yay, A2 figured out how to post anonymous!!

4:54 AM  
Blogger Am I Right? said...

yea sure you were!

12:36 PM  
Blogger Sculptus Poe said...

i should get some agg skates so i can drop in off the vert ramp haha.. but i may spend that money on a flute soon so oh well

8:03 PM  
Blogger Audra said...

jimmy, you are quite the novelist!!! all i have to say is that i better be invited to some of this fun stuff when i get back from costa rica.....OR ELSE!! haha jk :)

12:54 PM  
Blogger Am I Right? said...

no!!!!!!!!!!stop, glen!!!!!!!!!!!lol
dont get the flute, u gotta get the skates so u can stop watching us at vans and come join the action.

3:28 PM  
Blogger APS Jimmy!!! said...

Audra you've ALWAYS been invited. I should be asking YOU why you HAVEN'T been there??? hmmmm!!!???

11:20 PM  

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