Friday, December 29, 2006

Here's a question...

Have you ever wanted to vent and get out all the anger and fustration that you've been holding back for a while???......

Hmm.. well that's interesting. But I don't feel like that at all right now. I was just wondering. Or should I say, "I just wanted to get your opinion on something that affects most people." I think I would follow that up by reading Haggai 2:7 which says "And I will rock all the nations,.........Jehovah of armies has said." Don't really know how that applies with venting, but I just thought it'd be nice to share to others how God "Rocks".

Been having lots of fun this past week. Flip C.O. was around last week and got to work with him. He's a funny guy. Good things in store for the group. Great encouragement too.

Busch Gardens was lots of fun despite all the wet and rain. More pics of that will be up too.

Congrats to Mike and Amy Vergara on their upcoming baby! I'll be someone elses uncle!!!

You know, it's a really great thing to help out and do stuff for other people. It's a nice feeling to hear people show appreciation for what you do for them, espeically when you didn't know you were helping them in the first place. You just wanted to be considerate and kind. Pass on the kindness that others give to you, and discard the bad that comes your way. Don't reverse that statement. You'll find yourself happy no matter what situation you're in.

I'm feeling positive lately. Just wanted to keep it up. I'm really tired right now and I have to work tomorrow so don't have time to put up all the pics from the week and what's been going on. But here's something we spotted today and from the Busch Garden trip. Enjoy till then.

At least they have a suggested age limit...

James wanted me to put this up to prove that The Birds DO in fact carry disease...

Monday, December 18, 2006

Going to the Ice skate....I mean Rivera's!!!

So we didn't go ice skating on Saturday...But we did even better hanging out at the Rivera's! It was pretty fun with all the ad libs and the Mafia. And who's Juan??? Hahaha Okay so we did some Karaoke too so that was coolio. Here's some of the fun we had. Gonna watch some movies at the house tonight too so come on by! Just don't hurt yourself on the trampoline (Cole) and if you laugh at it don't be evil about it (Katie) and if you're going to be awesome just be awesome(Jimmy)...and I don't know what's going on anymore so I'll just stop and show you the pictures. Peace outside!

The Pirate in my dads car.

Our Hostes (Rivera's on the left)

Karaoke action going on

"And I....will always love you!!!"

Okay so that's what we did....and now what did you do over the weekend?? I don't really want to know, I'm just asking... Hahaha J/P. Share what you like, that's what I'm here for. To not pay attention to what you're saying... Wha, huh, what did you say... Yeah catch ya laters.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Why do I wait so long!!!????

Okay so it's been a while with the posting. Pretty soon I'll be like Danny or James and only post once a semester. Okay so Tony wanted me to put up some pics so that's what I'll do. Been doing the same ol same ol....Except for maybe a lot of other different things. haha I guess if you really want to know you can ask me about it and I'll totally forget what I'm talking about. Okay enough of that stizzuff. On with the pics!

Pics from teh house and and at teh Katies hizzle. "so what do you, the viewers at home think?"

Hahaha, can't wait til I get my MST3K Vol box set in!! Jya mata ne.