Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Life watching

So I'm sitting here at Bikkuri sushi waiting for some take out ramen. There is supposed to be a wait so I'm just here with the opportunity to blog. As I'm sitting here "people" watching, I realize that it really should be called "life" watching. Obviously it's quite busy in here so the rush and impetus of the servers and staff is noticeable. In the first three booths that I can see they are all occupied by those on a date. Two straight couples and a gay couple. I often wondered if it looks like I'm on a gay date when it's just me and one if my bros, and I must say, I'm pretty confident that it doesn't come off like that. There's a definite air of distinction to two same sex friends having a meal and two gay guys. I wish I could show you a picture of this. The eye contact I think is what gives it away. That's like the one common denominator that shows someone is on a date. It looks like they are all enjoying their company at least. Well, I have my food. I'll have to finish this later.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hawaii Pics!

Okay so I finally finished posting all the Hawaii pics up. You can check em out here

Hope yall like em. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

David Choi FTW!

Really awesome song! Just had to share this.