Saturday, May 29, 2010

Quite an ending

I thought that this was fitting considering the Bad guys won.....

Hopefully next year in the new arena it can be done.... Until then, I don't think I'll be watching anymore basketball for a while. Don't worry, I still BELIEVE!!!!!!

Okay, I'll watch if we can get Dwayne Wade.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May is for mishaps

May is the month the magic misses the finals. At least I hope not. But kind of a tough thing to do when you play a dirty team like Boston. I love how they say stuff like " They are such a physical team", when what they mean is they aggressively foul you to wear you down as part of their strategy. Oh well. That's all I have to say for now. Boo on Boston. I hope you enjoy your evil wins. Good guys down 0-2.