Saturday, June 30, 2007

26, including this year...27.....27!

So I turned 27 a few days ago. Just another year older yet once again. Seems like just a year ago I went through this... Anyways, at least I wasn't alone in the process. Can you believe that on the same exact day, someone else shared my joy??? Too bad Danny couldn't have been there to go to the beach with us on Sunday. It was pretty cool....except of course for getting my board dinged on me birthday. Well that stunk... Oh wells.

Couldn't find a place to get a free meal on my birthday to make me feel better. However, I did satify and put myself in a better mood with food. Sorry we missed out on the association at the restaurant, but we just couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some Korea house was just awesome. I'd say the satisfaction I felt was like the girls eating Nicks chocolate souffle during that oh so special time of...well whatever, you know what I'm saying. Yes that place was so good that others had to try it and yet another crew set out its search for Korean and found itself at Shin Jung. Wow... just as good.

Anways, if you're not hungry after reading this, then that is good. Cause if you're reading this at the time of writing, you can't make it to Shin Jung or anywhere cause it's closed. So until next time, I'll be dreaming of eatin some Jyajyang Myung. Oh yeah, and I'm waiting for some Soju too. Peace outs.