Friday, October 02, 2009

Flu shot!

So I got a flu shot today at work. Apparently we have to get them or else sign a refusal form stating that we didn't want it. Whatever....So I watched the first guy get stuck and I was like "What the hizzle?" The needle is actually that big and I watched the nurse stab him with it.....all the way through!

I was like WTC and made a lot of sarcastic jokes about it. I figured that I'd joke about screaming like a little girl or looking like this.

But then, next thing I know, I'm sitting there talking watching her prep the site with alcohol then get the needle ready and I turn to say something to one of my work mates and then bam!.... She's putting a band aid on my arm. I was like whaaa??? Are you sure your gave me the flu shot?? She said yeah and to make sure I kept moving my arm for the next few minutes to help the pain I guess. I mean, I felt a little something, but it was more like she just had it on my skin with no penetration. I thought she was just placing it and going for the full intramuscular insertion.

Oh well, maybe it was all a lie! No flu shot for you! It's been about 8 hours now and no reaction so I guess I'll be okay. Now that I have the flu shot, I'll get something ridiculous like measles or the H1N1 before I can get the vaccination for that. in the meantimes, stay safe everyone else!

Oh yeah, looks like I get to start this month off with another theme park. Kaylee is taking us to go to Disney this Sunday Yay! I'll try and get some pics up of that. Catch ya laters.