Wednesday, December 03, 2008


So Ben and Vi got married. Congrats to them both!!! Cool wedding talk and reception. I was really impressed how all the girls dresses went well with each other despite everybody getting them at different places.
Anyway, I'm happy for them both and hope that Jehovah continues their new life together.

On another note, it's cold at the beach during winter!!!! haha duh! But going to the beach Sunday with Shaphan and his wife was a blast. Gotta go up and visit Bethel for sure now and hang with them and hit the waves that are up the summer of course.

Still doing the vegetarian thing too. Gonna go and get my blood work done next week so we'll see how it goes with my cholesterol. So I'll give the update when that happens.

Aight, that's all for nizzow. Catch ya laters on the flipside. Peaxe!! (yes the x is on purpose...lolz)