Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wasting time...

Been feeling pretty lazy lately. Haven't been working out and eating right like I used to. I guess that explains the extra weight I've been carrying around, not metaphorically speaking... So time to get motivated again. I think I need to start by getting to bed earlier and back to regularly scheduled things.

Like working out in the mornings, eating every couple hours, and making sure to read 4 pages of my bible everyday. That one slipped away to every other day now.

Well, yeah it's a hard thing to not procrastinate. Maybe I'll just do all this stuff starting tomorrow. haha. Okay for reals though, I'm tired of wasting time. Lets start getting motivated!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Blogger moment...

So I was just having this feeling of a blogger moment and thought I'd go aheand and do what's supposed to be done and write something about it.

Funny how things end up in life isn't it? Seems like time in motion moves you forward, which is good, but sometimes you can't help but leave other things behind. Like friends. Ever had a good frined move away? Or ever move away from a good group of friends you've had before? Sure, it's happened to us all. Seems to me though that there are a few ways people deal with those situations.

For me I guess I just roll with it. There was a time in my family where I can remember we moved houses in almost as many years, and for the most part it was in different areas so , new friends all over again. When it comes to that, I guess that's why it's easy for me to make new friends, and why I can get comfortable with new people pretty fast. It's sure helped me at work, especially now that I'm transferred to another shift.

Another route that some take, is when they meet new people, they don't quite match up to the old friends they had before. Which is perfectly normal. I mean, how can your BFF since 4 be replaced so easily by someone you've been hanging with for 3 weeks? In those cases they either resent where they are and who they're with..... but will get over it eventually, or probably run away back to where they believe will make them happy. lol

But here's something to think about.... What about when you don't move, go away for a while, or some extreme life changing event happen, and for some reason stop hanging with friends you've been with for ages prior? Perhaps you've been busy with other things, didn't notice that you havent' been hanging with them , or maybe started hanging with other people....

It happens. Sometimes there's no real rhyme or reason. But then you start looking at old pictures or videos and then it hits you...WOW, whatever happened to hanging with my friends? Kind of makes you wonder.... At first you may feel bad, "did I stop hanging with them?" "Was it ME that first ignored or stopped hanging with my crew?"

Who knows, maybe so, maybe not. One thing is for sure, and that is "Just as times and seasons change, people do too." Sometimes our paths take us through life to different locations or different routes, only to meet up in the same location. By the time you realize the path you've taken, your former buddies are miles apart.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm just traveling in circles, crossing paths constantly with others and forging new bonds, only to leave at some undisclosed period of time and make new ones. After which point paths will be crossed yet again with the old meeting the new..... Maybe some people are the initial spark to chain reactions that get the friend ball rolling. Once that cluster starts, a new cluster must be formed. Others are those that truly stay with the cluster and really get to enjoy that bond of friendship that never ends. I guess that's the scientific formula for B-F-F. lol

At any rate, I guess the bottom line is that all of these moments should be cherished. I think it's better to not be with friends for some time, only to have ecstatic joy upon finally seeing them again....than to be with the same friends all the time only to complain and bicker and have misunderstandings with and end up not hanging out so much..... But then again... that could just mean that they or you weren't being as good of a "friend" that we tell ourselves we are. hahahaha, who am I kidding. Nobody wants to lose a friend. So keep your friends in mind. Think of those you haven't seen in some time, and do things to let the friends you ARE with all the time know that they are, and always will be, special friends forever.

All in all, strive to make new friends, but never forget where you came from and the people who shaped who you are now. So if I haven't seen you in a while, it's nothing personal. I'll try my best to keep in touch with everyone. And hey, if it pops up in your head, stop by and say hi. You never know what good and happines will result. Alright? Cool. Well that's out mission, so I guess I'll see you all on the battlefield, er....that's too about we'll see each other on the crossroads, where our paths can meet again.