Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shiny Toy Guns!!!

So the concert was GREAT!!!! Really good bands that played and STG was awesome despite the fact that the monitors weren't working so well. Sisely Treasure does alright as the new girl vocals. Oh well, it's what they wanted in the first place anyway.

Going to the beach before that was pretty cool too. Not epic like it would have been if we'd have gone when originally planned.....but time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all and it was a really sad event.

Anyway, the beach was fun and it was nice to have someone else out there in the water with me for just as long as I'm out there! haha Ava did pretty well for not surfing in such a long time. On the Shorty no less in some pretty inconsistent conditions. Sall good though, I just love being out there in the water. Maybe in time Avril will realize that kicking her feet won't attract the sharks lolz. Ali did awesome on the fun shape too. But I guess picture taking at the beach has such a lure and appeal to it , how can you resist? I wanna see those pics. Especially the ones with Jensen buried and Tony hugging the don't ask. Maybe Alice will have them on her flickr or something.

Here's some pics of the show from my iphone....ummm just use your imagination I guess lolz. Maybe I can get some of the ones that Alice has on her digital cam of all of us that went. Aight I'm out. L8rs!